Lawns and Extreme Heat (video)

Lawns and Extreme Heat

No matter where you live in Australia, periods of extreme heat may occur but remember Sir Walter is one of the most heat tolerant grasses out there. But if extreme heat does come around you need to make a decision.  Do I let my lawn brown off and wait for normal conditions to return and for the lawn to bounce back, because it will do that.  Or do I water my lawn to keep it looking good. If you do decide to water, water with one deep watering at the first signs of stress then don’t water again until the lawn starts to wilt.  If you are on pure sands this will be more frequent than if you are on a heavier soil.

Encourage deep root systems

Remember that frequent light watering is bad news because this encourages shallow root systems.  What you want to be doing is less frequent deeper soakings because they encourage deep root systems.  This will give your lawn the legs and strength to get through the hot periods. Also if you use Sir Launcher when you put your lawn down this will help because it has the moisture magnets that will give your lawn more strength and more moisture for hot periods. A light top dressing is a good idea also because this will act a bit like a mulch and lock in that valuable moisture.