Sir Walter Spare Change Garden Created by Jason Hodges (video)

Sir Walter Spare Change Garden Created by Jason Hodges
Gold Medal Winning ‘Sir Walter Spare Change’ Garden – MIFGS 2012

Now this is my 2012 MIFGS Garden. We won the gold medal and we also won the best garden design award, the Calmetto Award.

My garden is a little bit different to most of the show gardens this year, because I put a lawn in it!

It’s not rocket science, grass gives your garden plenty of space and lots of places to entertain on when you’ve got more than just half a dozen people to spill out onto your lawn.

When you think about it, lawn’s one of the cheapest things you can put into the garden. This Sir Walter, which is the best grass you can buy – $500 and I’ve got all of this. If it was pavers or concrete I would be spending 10 or 20 times the amount of money.

The best thing about this is you can use it for a heap of different things – you can’t wash your car on a hard surface any more, but you can on the lawn. You can teach your kids to play a bit of footy and play a bit of cricket…

Jason Hodges


Jason Hodges Introduces the Sir Walter Spare Change Garden (video)

Jason Hodges Introduces the Sir Walter Spare Change Garden
MIFGS 2012 – Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show.

G’day everyone, I’m Jason Hodges and I’m at the MIFGS show, which is the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show 2012.

I won a gold medal which is the fourth time I’ve done it and the name of the garden is, ‘The Sir Walter Spare Change Garden’.

I used heaps of recycled materials in this garden, which I found at the council throw out or the hard rubbish, so they cost me next to nothing, but then when used in the right I’ve made a garden look an absolute million dollars.

One of the things about my garden, and I did get the gold medal and also won the Cabrametto Award which is for the best garden design, is that this garden has a sense of space.

I have 60 square metres of Sir Walter, so we’ve got 500 bucks worth of turf, but it makes the garden breath and it gives some room for everyone to enjoy the garden differently. There’s dining rooms and bars and there’s a lounge room and if those two things were on top of each other, then I might as well have built a house. But with the lawn in the middle and the change of levels it creates interest, it makes the garden look bigger and turfs actually one of the cheapest things you can put down. If I paved this whole area, or poured concrete I’d probably be paying 10 or 20 times more than laying a beautiful lawn.

The best thing about grass is that you can learn to play footy and cricket on it and when you fall over it doesn’t hurt.

Jason Hodges